PSA- Phreedum (public) Service Announcement

We interrupt this regularly scheduled Phind Out Phriday interview to make an announcement.
Starting in August, you won’t only be phinding out about local entrepreneurs phreely pursuing their dreams, but you’ll be phinding out about some not so local entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams.
Once a month you will get to phindout about entrepreneurs in other parts of the country that are living their version of the American dream as they make art, act, coach small businesses, cook, design, and much much more. You will continue to phindout things like there is no one way to pursue your dreams, that the ability to phreely pursue your goals cost, that vision is imperative, and that it takes a time and team for dreams to become realities.
If you can be Phree in Philadelphia, then you can be Phree anywhere.
So be sure to check out the new not so local entrepreneur that will be featured the phourth phriday of the month starting this August.

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