Doing Just Fine

“Are you still there?”
“What are you doing?”
"Listening to you."
“Oh, you seem extra quiet.”
This conversation probably isn’t unfamiliar to you. It’s that conversation that is had when one person is talking  and realizes they have been talking at length and the other person hasn’t uttered an “oh really,”: wow,” “oh,” “I see,” or anything. It’s that point in the conversation when the person realizes, the call may have dropped and they have been talking to their phone instead of through their phone. Yet their wonderings are put to rest when they acknowledge the “extra quiet” and find out the call didn’t drop, they are being heard, and they are free to continue sharing.
Well, I think the same thing happens sometimes as we pursue our goals. Sometimes we finally get into that groove that we’d been seeking and longing for, but lurching toward at the onset of our journey. Things finally come together, we see a profit 7 weeks in a row, we get asked for that fifth magazine/blog/webseries interview, Urban Outfitters wants to buy your line, MTV/BET wants to partner with you for a new ad campaign, an investor is committed to your project that is projected to take three years to complete, you finally start dating again because the past three years your significant other has been _______________ (insert your business, goal, dream).  Things are finally on track and then you panic. Things are going too well or, as in the case of the conversation I had with one of my most amazing friends, things get “too quiet”, or like I have told my sister a million times after she has reworked a hairstyle twelve times “You look fine.”
This week, do yourself a favor and just enjoy the progress you’ve made. Don’t double or triple check. Don’t worry about it getting to quiet or if things “look” right. Just keep up the good work.  You’re doing fine.

Happy Tuesday! xxoo

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